Why we are different.

Many people sell apparel and faith apparel in general to support their ministry, but few are actually building a brand. We plan to accomplish what no one has really ever done before. Which is, have a ministry associated with its own brand.

We are more than just an apparel brand. Dryden Apparel and Media's main focus is ministry and to bring people to Jesus but we are going to look cool doing it! Our apparel is just a way to support, ministering to people and spreading the gospel always comes first. If this was about just making money trust me, we would definitely be doing something else.

We see a need for brands, you can trust and know what they stand for in this day and age and we believe that you should wear what you believe in. Our style and swagger is completely unmatched in the faith apparel realm.

Along with some of our Western inspired apparel being out of West Texas, we think it's important to include our culture and heritage into Dryden Apparel and Media

This as a whole is why we are different because there's nothing really like us out there.